Technology Adopting Continuous Integration in an Ops Group

1. Adopting Continuous Integration in an Ops GroupDANIEL WESTER•CHIEF ENGINEER•TURNER BROADCASTING SYSTEMS, INC•@DWESTER42a 2. Disclaimer All opinions stated are those…

Technology Chamiluda madrid-2013: Past, present and future

1. Chamilo Past, present, future Projects, plans and hopes Chamiluda Madrid 2013 Frans Kamp Treasurer, Chamilo Association - 2013 - 2. The Chamilo project 3. We believe in…

Technology Enable Continuous Delivery with Continuous Testing - Parasoft

1. Parasoft Proprietary and Confidential 1 2015-05-05 Continuous Testing for DevOps: Evolving From Automated to Continuous 2. Parasoft Proprietary and Confidential 2Parasoft…

Technology Enable Continuous Delivery with Continuous Testing - Parasoft

1. Parasoft Proprietary and Confidential 1 2015-05-22 Continuous Testing for DevOps: Evolving From Automated to Continuous 2. Parasoft Proprietary and Confidential 2Parasoft…