Documents tagged
Documents reality

Reality a Compilation "Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form When within thee the universe is folded?" (Bahá’u’lláh quoting ‘Alí) Reality, Soul, and…

Documents Facebook Privacy Presentation (July 1, 2009)

Facebook Privacy Enhancements Chris Kelly Chief Privacy Officer Leah Pearlman Product Manager Mission Give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected…

Technology Online Presentation Tools for Researchers

1. OnlinePresentationTools forResearchersPatricia F. AndersonHealth Sciences Libraries, UM © 2009 Regents of the University of Michigan. 2. Research…

Technology How dense is the Cloud of OSGi - T Watson

1.© 2014 by IBM Corp.; Licensed under the Creative Commons Att. Nc Nd 2.5 license HOW DENSE IS THE CLOUD OF OSGI? Tom Watson IBM June 11th 2014 OSGi Alliance Marketing ©…

Education Pedersen acl2011-business-meeting

1.How would I like to seeACL conferences develop and change in the next five years? Ted Pedersen Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota, Duluth…

Technology The iTechies: Sharing the Best of the Best Free Web-based Tools

1.theiTechies the best FREEand EASYWeb-Based Tools2. NOTES/Disclaimer This face-to-face presentation has been modified for presentation on SlideShare. The audio (voices)…

Documents Tag deck 7.16.14

1. meet UP and get DOWN 2. - Let friends know privately where you are without sharing to your entire social network - No persistent location tracking – just private…

Social Media Tag overview

1. meet UP and get DOWN 2. - Let friends know privately where you are without sharing to your entire social network - No persistent location tracking – just private…

Social Media Tag overview

1. meet up, get down 2. - Check-in privately with friends, without sharing to your entire social network - No persistent location tracking – just private check-ins…

Technology Developer Evangelism and Community by Tim Falls

null CMX Series Developer Evangelism & Community Tues Oct 28 2014 Tim Falls - VP, Community - Keen IO @TimFalls | @Keen_IO [email protected] null Story time, Pt I. Q: Does Developer…