Technology November 5 --28. future and modals of probability and advice

1. IECP Fall 2013 Nikki Mattson 2. • Be rich• OR• Be famous? 3. • 1B = present continuous • 1A = future and more modals 4. • Check pgs. 157-163 5. Present Continuous…

Spiritual November 1 -27. future

1. Grammar IECP Fall 2013 Nikki Mattson 2. Agenda • 1B = check HW + present continuous • 1A = future 3. Would you rather… • Live one year without teeth• OR• Live…

Entertainment & Humor October 31 --26. past continuous practice and test

1. Grammar 2 IECP Fall 2013 Nikki Mattson 2. Would you rather… • Have free Starbucks for a year • OR • Have free iTunes for 5 years? 3. Agenda • 1B = Check HW,…

Documents 11. contunuous, non action vs action

1. Grammar 2IECPSpring 2013Nikki Mattson 2. Agenda Present Continuous 3. Boggle! 4. Present Continuous Spelling 5.  two-syllable words When words have two or more…