Documents tagged
Documents Quick Guide to SQL Injection Attacks and Defenses - English

Quick guide to SQL Injection attacks and defenses By r3dm0v3 Table of contents 1-Description Blind SQL Injection 2-Vulnerable Code 3-Exploit Classic Login Page Vulnerability…

Technology Introduction to Cassandra and CQL for Java developers

Introduction to Cassandra and CQL for Java developers Julien Anguenot (@anguenot)! Houston Java User Group! July 30th, 2014 Agenda C* overview! C* key features! C* key concepts!…

Documents apis-php-en

MySQL and PHP MySQL and PHP Reference Abstract This manual describes the PHP extensions and interfaces that can be used with MySQL. Document generated on: 2012-05-17 (revision:…

Documents pmb

Qualys Freescan Page 1 sur 39 Scan on 02/10/2012 URL : Summary: 36 vulnerabilities found 4 5 27 10 February 2012 at 23:30 25 SQL Injection Reflected…

Documents PowerPoint

1. PHP Data Objects Layer (PDO) Ilia Alshanetsky 2. What is PDO Common interface to any number of database systems. Written in C, so you know it’s FAST! Designed to make…

Documents Advanced database operations with JDBC

1. Advanced database operations with JDBC Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Table of Contents If you're viewing this…

Documents Jdbc Tutorial

Advanced database operations with JDBC Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials Table of Contents If you're viewing this document…

Entertainment & Humor Fundraising and the New Economic Reality

1. Winter Institute forChief Development Officers Fundraising and the New Economic Reality:Social Media Rises to the Challenge Anthony D. Owens [email_address] February 24,2010…

Documents Manual Informix

INFORMIX-4GL SQL-Based Application Development Language for the UNIX Operating System Reference Manual INFORMIX-4GL Version4.0 March 1990 Part No. 000-7044 THE INFORMIX SOFTWARE…