Documents Acharei-Kedoshim 5770

For all Summer Camps, day camps, visit here Bais Menachem Lag B'Omer BBQ Come join your Bais Menachem family for a fun filled Lag Bâomer BBQ on Sunday afternoon, May…

Documents Tazria-Metzora 5770

With sadness we announce the passing of Rebbitzen Shusterman of Chicago Chava Devora bas Etta mother of Rabbi Shmarya Shusterman, Rabbi Yisroel Shusterman, Rabbi Yosef Shusterman,…

Documents Acharei-Kedoshim-Sunday

With sadness we announce the passing of Rebbitzen Shusterman of Chicago Chava Devora bas Etta mother of Rabbi Shmarya Shusterman, Rabbi Yisroel Shusterman, Rabbi Yosef Shusterman,…

Documents EMOR 5770

New Class Mesichta Beitzah Starting Iyar 20 (May 4) Every Tuesday night 8:00 - 9:00 at Ahavas Yisroel Synagogue 731 N.La Brea Avenue This Gemara deals with the laws of Yom…