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Documents Announcements 6-19-11

1.   2. Jon is: * founding editor of Pray! Magazine * vice president of Harvest Prayer Ministries * acting as Publisher of Prayer Shop Publishing 3. 8:45 amSunday Morning…

Entertainment & Humor FRSA Flash 8 June 2012

1. 8 JU NE 20122-15 FA FRSA FLASHFort Drum Family and MWR Coming AttractionsUNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 1 2. Recurring Events VMIS 101Second Tuesday of the 9-10 am AVC 772-2899MonthEFMP…

Entertainment & Humor FRSA Flash 22 June 2012

1. 15 JU NE 20122-15 FA FRSA FLASHFort Drum Family and MWR Coming AttractionsUNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 1 2. Recurring Events VMIS 101 Second Tuesday of the 9-10 amAVC 772-2899EFMP…

Entertainment & Humor FRSA Flash 6 July 2012

1. 6 JU LY 20122-15 FA FRSA FLASHUNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 1 2. Recurring Events VMIS 101Second Tuesday of the9-10 am AVC 772-2899EFMP Support Group Second Tuesday of the 11:30-1pm…

Documents 7th general body meeting v2

1. +7th General Body MeetingAdria Galloway and Bryant Johnson 2. +NSBE MISSION Our mission is “To increase thenumber of culturally responsible black engineers who excelacademically,…

Spiritual (Aug. 10, 2014) Events and Ministries - Living Hope Christian Church

1. WELCOME TO LIVING HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH! 2. TODAY: FELLOWSHIP AT THE ATKINS’ HOME After our worship service! (Get address at church) Hamburgers and Hot Dogs Swimming…

Education Exceptional Stadium Conversion - Simon Smith( Wembley Stadium) and Vince Connolly (Norland) -...

1. Exceptional Stadium Conversion Simon Smith Stadium Services Associate Director, Wembley Stadium Exceptional Service, Exceptional People Vince Connolly Client Solutions…

Art & Photos Mum on train

Starts Thurs 15 Oct 9pm My Mother Stole My identity My Mother Stole My identity Starts Thurs 15 Oct 9pm My Mother Stole My identity Starts Thurs 15 Oct 9pm My Mother Stole…

Documents Getting your story across in the local media Callingham & Edwards Limited 1.

Slide 1 Getting your story across in the local media Callingham & Edwards Limited 1 Slide 2 Chaos and Mayhem Bad news is good news – they’ll come to you Good news…

Documents Newsletter 5 registration open

(SUP Secondary School and BIC One Design have additional 12 Week rental fee applied) The Early Bird Prices for Other Disciplines: Registrations Now Open!! Please visit our…