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Documents Οριζοντιότητα

οριζοντιότητα φωνές λαικής εξουσίας στην αργεντινή ~1~ ~2~ Πρόλογος της έκδοσης 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2001.…

Documents McGuirk-The Falklands-Malvinas Conflict in the Political Cartoon

It Breaks Two to Tangle Re-construction/Re-disruption of Social Realities The Falklands-Malvinas Conflict in the Political Cartoon From Humor to The If… Chronicles Bernard…

Documents Study of Alternative Media's Impact on Resistance to Argentine Junta

Todas las Puertas Están Cerradas All the Doors Are Closed: The formation and significance of early groups opposing Argentina’s 1976-1983 military regime Sarah Mirk Professor…

Documents Huffschmid 2012_Cultural Production of Public Space.pdf

Anne Huffschmid* ➲ From the City to lo Urbano: Exploring Cultural Production of Public Space in Latin America Abstract: Public space in heterogeneous and palimpsestic Latin…