Documents tagged
Mobile App presentation

1. [WAKEUPCALL] By [Awais and Khizer] [This is a template. Place all the text in the template before you submit. Add images, change colours and create an inspiring presentation.…

Technology Play2 Scala - Streaming Reactive Mongo with Iteratees

1. Play2 Scala Streaming & Reactive Mongo on Heroku 2. 1. Heroku 3. HerokuAdd dynos to scale horizontally 4. HerokuPower…

Marketing Wow fest mobile marketing

1. Мобильный маркетинг: как сделать так, чтобы спам-SMS превратить в ВАУ? Сергей Логачёв консультант…

Documents How-to Guide: ES explorer (TC)

1. APPS 操作說明手冊 ES 檔案瀏覽器 2013/5 2. 2 ES 檔案瀏覽器…

Technology Makeable – The Disruptive Innovations of Generation Z

1. Generation Z Disruptive Innovation June 1, 2015 2. As Millennials begin to step into parenthood, Gen-Z is beginning to draft up their first college essays and earn their…