Documents tagged
Documents Gati - Gap Analysis

INDIAN LOGISTICS INDUSTRY : AN OVERVIEW The global logistics industry is valued at US$ 3.5 trillion Indian Logistics Industry is presently estimated at US$ 90 billion (CII)…

Business Tata project scm logistics offereing part 1

1. INTEGRATED SUPPLY CHAIN & LOGISTICS OFFERING Part 1 by Zubin Poonawalla 1 2. We offer Fourth Party Logistics (4PL) services , as a supply chain integrator, we assemble,…

Business Upd Wps562

1. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT CALCUTTAWORKING PAPER SERIES WPS No. 562/ October 2005 A Survey of the Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Service Providers in India bySubrata…

Documents Biotech Risk Webinar Presentation

2007 RMC Project Management, Inc.Risk Identification Mistakes to AvoidRita Mulcahy, PMP2About Rita Mulcahy, PMP Founder and CEO of RMC Project Management, Inc., one of the…

Technology Selecting a Third Party Logistics Provider Part 2: The Top 10 Questions to Ask

Selecting a Third Party Logistics Provider Part 2: The Top 10 Questions to Ask By Angela Cox What to Ask Potential 3PL Service Providers ???? 1 2 3 Q1: How long have they…

Business Ciltna pp presentation 18 sept 2013

1. The Port &Terminal Truck Interface Presentation by: R. Gordon Payne, Chairman: HLCSI THE PORT INTERFACE 2. HarbourLinkContainerServicesInc. A Truck Carriers Expectation…

Technology Art van Bodegraven, VBA – “The Art of Collaboration”

1. Supply Chain Relationships - The Art of Collaboration reveal2014 Conference Philadelphia; 6-7 May Art van Bodegraven 2. Backdrop • Suppliers. Customers. Can’t live…

Documents 4PL-x-3PL-1

Collaboration and Competition between 4PL and 3PL: a study of a fast-food supply chain Mauro Vivaldini Professor of Logistics Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP)…

Technology Returnable Transport Packaging Market in APAC 2015-2019

1. [email protected] Returnable Transport Packaging Market in APAC 2015-2019 2. Covered in this Report • This report covers the present scenario and…

Technology 3PL Market in Japan 2015-2019

1. [email protected] 3PL Market in Japan 2015-2019 2. Covered in this Report • This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of…