Documents tagged
Documents MH17: International investigators reach Malaysia Airlines crash site amid shelling

1.MH17: International investigators reach Malaysia Airlines crash site amid shelling Updated August 01, 2014 10:41:08 A small Australian and Dutch reconnaissance team has…

Travel Exhibitorprospectusdh

1. West Coast Green 2009October 1-3 at The Fort Mason Center, San Francisco 2. What is West Coast Green? West Coast Green is the leading interactive conference + expo…

Documents pub890

KNOWN UNKNOWNS: UNCONVENTIONAL âSTRATEGIC SHOCKSâ IN DEFENSE STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Nathan Freier November 2008 This publication is a work of the U.S. Government as defined…

Documents Larry L. Needham, Ph.D. Distinguished Lecturer Comments at ISEA 2007.

Slide 1 Larry L. Needham, Ph.D. Distinguished Lecturer Comments at ISEA 2007 Slide 2 Many Thanks to Demetrius Mochandreas for proposing the idea of this position The ISEA…

Documents Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Digital Archives & Digital Humanities Laurie Taylor dLOC...

Slide 1 Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Digital Archives & Digital Humanities Laurie Taylor dLOC Technical Director Digital Humanities Librarian,…

Documents Digital Library of the Caribbean the Caribbean Knowledge Commons - Digital Preservation, Curation...

Slide 1 Digital Library of the Caribbean the Caribbean Knowledge Commons - Digital Preservation, Curation and mydLOC tools Laurie Taylor dLOC Technical Director Digital Humanities…

Documents Photo Album OEPA Sediment Sampling Photos for Ottawa River 2003 Sediment Sampling

Photo Album OEPA Sediment Sampling Photos for Ottawa River 2003 Sediment Sampling Photos provided by: Phil Williams, OEPA

Documents Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC)

Slide 1 Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Collaboratively Developing Intellectual Infrastructure with dLOC Laurie Taylor dLOC Technical Director Digital…

Documents TEST

BOLT PREVIEW Matt Epting(12) Whitney Early(12) the rank of 3-1 in the district, it seemed to many like nothing could stand in their way. Heading into the locker room at half…

Documents The Crimson White

Pl ea se recy cle this paper • Please recycle this pa pe r• Wednesday, December 7, 2011 Serving the University of Alabama since 1894 Vol. 118, Issue 64 LIFESTYLESLIFESTYLES…