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Documents IDX Annualy Statistic2011(Revisi)

IDX STATISTICS 2011 The IDX Statistics Book includes comparative statistics on all aspects of trading and listing for January - December 2011 For more information please…

Documents IDX-Fact-Book-2012-new-hal.pdf

ID X FA C T BOOK 2012 Compiled by Research Division Abbreviation BAPEPAM-LK: Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal – Lembaga Keuangan (Securities The Capital Market and Financial…

Documents Company Profile PT.Duta Media Cipta

PT. DUTA MEDIA CIPTA Your Trusted Business Partner Company Profile @ 2014 Kompetensi dan fokus bisnis DMC Engineered Electrical Solution Engineered Automation…

Documents SUMP TANK

Cover Page UPGRADING MUARA BEKASI PT. PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA DESIGN CALCULATION In Accordance with ASME Section VIII Div. 1 ASME Code Version : 2004 Analysis Performed by…