Documents tagged
Technology The 360 Degree View of Subscriber Knowledge

1. The 360 Degree View of Subscriber Knowledge Brian Cappellani CTO Sigma Systems, Inc. 2. The Evolution of New Services Video Services Explosion From “Prime Time” to…

Business The Real Benefits of Social Media

1.The Real Benefits of Social Media Paul Furiga WordWrite Communications • March 29, 2010 2. Where we’re going today 1. The "politics" of each SM network and…

Social Media LinkedIn API - Link Me In Guides - Australia

1.API Possibilities2. LinkedIn APIs … what are they?ProfileGroupsNewsfeedDesktop Sites & AppsCompanyAPIsLinkedIn Data Mobile Sites & Apps 2 3. LinkedIn data ……

Business How Brain Science Turns Browsers into Buyers: SXSW 2012

1.How Brain Science Turns Browsers into Buyers #BrainBuy #sxswSXSW Interactive - Austin March 11, 2012Brian ClarkRoger DooleyDerek Halpern Dr. A.K. Pradeep2. #BrainBuyDr.…

Technology Case study on Titanic to promote 3d Titanic movie across the world

1. MetaOption 1 Case Study for TitanicCASE STUDY On TITANIC 2. MetaOption 2 Case Study for TitanicTABLE OF CONTENTS.No. PARTICULARSPAGE1 CLIENT PROFILE 3 1.1. Organizational…

Documents Carvi Video & Metadata, Next Tsunami

1. ReinventionTransformingto New Mediadd-mm-yyyy“Video & Metadata, next Tsunami ” © Confidential 1 2. The Burning Question:“Now we are poor income, information…

Technology (SOV203) Understanding AWS Storage Options | AWS re:Invent 2014

1. November 12, 2014 | Las Vegas, NV Guy Farber, AWS Storage Business Development 2. AWS storage options • • • • • Customer presentation: Ooyala 3. We are constantly…

Business Social Media Case Study: Promoting Steve Aoki's Event at Kitty Su

1. Client:Kitty SuIndustry:Arts/Entertainment/NightlifeObjective:Kitty Su, a premium night club known for its blowout Parties wanted its Oct 6 SteveAoki night to be the most…

Technology The Future of Customer Engagement - Personalized Interactive Video

1. Personalized Interactive Video An innovative capability for delivering relevant and engaging interactions across the customer lifecycle Liz Roche Director, Product Marketing…

Retail Stop, Shop, Engage: The Holiday Retail Playbook for Boosting Holiday Sales with ROI-Driving Video

1. STOP, SHOP, ENGAGE The Retail Playbook for Boosting Holiday Sales with ROI-Driving Video 2. Nearly 60%* of consumers claim they want real-time promotions and offers. That’s…