Health & Medicine PMDC NEB Step-1 (Review of abdominal contents)-day-7

1. Review of Abdominal Contents Prof. Saeed Shafi 2. Learning Outcomes ??? 3. 3 Quadrants of Abdomen 4. PARACENTESIS OF ABDOMINAL CAVITY 5. 12 Vertical disposition of peritoneum…

Health & Medicine PMDC NEB Step-1 Day-6 (Review of Abdomen)

1. GIT Module Abdominal Wall Prof. Saeed Shafi 2. 5 Quadrants of Abdomen 3. 7 GIT 4. 8 GIT 5. 9 Trunk 1. Liver 2. Asc. colon 3. Sigmoid colon 4. Heart 5. Trans colon 6. Desc.…