Documents tagged
Documents 016 Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric surgery 1. Polyhydramnios is frequently observed in all of the following conditions except: A. Esophageal atresia. B. Duodenal atresia. C. Pyloric atresia. D. Hirschsprung's…

Documents PCIGuideline

คุณภาพของหลักฐาน ระดับ 1: จาก meta-analysis หรือ randomized controlled clinical trials ระดับ 3: จาก…

Documents CPG Management of Per Cutaneous Coronory Intervention (PCI)

CliniCal PraCtiCe Guidelines on manaGement of PerCutaneous Coronary intervention (PCi) 2009 TABLE 1: INDICATIONS FOR PCI IN STEMI INDICATIONS Primary PCI in patients presenting…

Health & Medicine Percutaneus coronary intervention in Non ST elevation myocardial infarction

Dedicated to AHA /ACC/SCAI 2012- guidelines PCI IN NSTEMI Dr R Barik/Prof A.N Patnaik/Dr N Lalita NIMS,Hyderabad PCI IN NSTEMI-INCOMPLETE WHITE THROMBUS NSTEMI:An ACS …

Investor Relations Bioheart (OTC: BHRT; Twitter: $BHRT)

BIOHEART INC. April 2011 OTC: BHRT.OB Forward-Looking Statement Except for historical matters contained herein, statements made in this presentation are forward-looking and…

Documents Buccal penetration enhancers—How do they really work

Journal of Controlled Release 105 (2005) 1 – 15 Review Buccal penetration enhancers—How do they really work? Joseph A. Nicolazzo, Barry…

Documents WFSA Update

Anaesthesia Education for anaesthetists worldwide Dec 2010 ISSN 1353-4882 Update in Volume 26 Editor-in-chief: Bruce McCormick • Perioperative management of antiplatelet…

Documents 241 Tracheostomy

Sign up to receive ATOTW weekly - email [email protected]   TRACHEOSTOMY ANAESTHESIA TUTORIAL OF THE WEEK 241 17TH OCTOBER 2011   Dr Rakesh Bhandary, Royal Victoria…

Documents Guideline Hiv1

การวินจฉัยการติดเชือเอชไอวีทางห้องปฏิบตการ ิ ้ ั ิ บทที่ 1 การวินจฉัยทีเกียวข้องกับการติดเชือเอชไอวี…