Documents tagged
Documents Aims of this period

Aims of this period We can preview the aims of Lesson 11. We can listen and answer the questions about the pictures. We can learn the key points of grammar in Lesson 11 Listen…

Documents Work in groups of 3. Make as many possible sentences as you can by joining the elements in the...

Slide 1 WARM UP Work in groups of 3. Make as many possible sentences as you can by joining the elements in the following table A B C My mother His family They A postman These…

Documents ICTReadingPPT

7/15/2019 ICTReadingPPT 1/12NOTE:MBAK RIDA INI BAHAN BAHAN TEKSNYa( AGUS SOLICHIN / NIM: 11 539 0067)Jenis-jenis text English ( sumber:…