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Documents Parts of Speech ITSW 1410 Presentation Media Software Instructor: Glenda H. Easter.

Slide 1 Parts of Speech ITSW 1410 Presentation Media Software Instructor: Glenda H. Easter Slide 2 Parts of Speech2 Colon  Use a colon before a list of items. Think of…

Documents LESSON 1 NOUNS LESSON 1: NOUNS.1. THE EIGHT PARTS OF SPEECH 1 Of 8 - NOUNS : A word (other than a...

Lesson 1 LESSON 1 NOUNS LESSON 1: NOUNS. 1 THE EIGHT PARTS OF SPEECH 1 Of 8 - NOUNS : A word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or…