Documents Introduction to CERN Activities

Introduction to CERN Activities Intro to particle physics Accelerators – the LHC Detectors - CMS From atoms to quarks I From atoms to quarks II Leptons are fundamental…

Documents Particle Physics in Germany activities and perspectives Bernhard Spaan - TU Dortmund Chair of...

Particle Physics in Germany activities and perspectives Bernhard Spaan - TU Dortmund Chair of Komitee für Elementarteilchenphysik (KET) technische universität dortmund…

Documents Introduction to CERN David Barney, CERN Introduction to CERN Activities Intro to particle physics...

Introduction to CERN Activities Intro to particle physics Accelerators – the LHC Detectors - CMS From atoms to quarks I From atoms to quarks II Leptons are fundamental…

Documents Introduction to CERN Activities

Introduction to CERN Activities Intro to particle physics Accelerators – the LHC Detectors - CMS From atoms to quarks I From atoms to quarks II Leptons are fundamental…