Documents tagged
Education English grammar(16.11.2012) 2

1. BASIC GRAMMAR 2. What is GrammarGRAMMAR:- The systematic study and description of alanguage. OR A set of rules and examples dealing with thesyntax and word structures…

Documents Speech 100517215702-phpapp01 (1)

1. English GrammarParts of Speech© Capital Community College 2. Eight Parts of SpeechsNounsVerb Pron ounsInterjectionsInterjections rrbs e bsP re Adjectivesvedvpos Ad A…

Documents Parts of speech

1. English GrammarParts of Speech© Capital Community College 2. Eight Parts of SpeechsNounsVerb Pron ounsInterjectionsInterjections rrbs e bsP re Adjectivesvedvpos Ad A…