Documents tagged
Education Marine habitats

1. What is a habitat? an environment that has all necessary requirements for an organism to live. 2. Figure 1. Divisions of the marine environment. 3. Four major types…

Technology Contamination of coastal versus open ocean surface waters

1. Marine Pollution BulletinMarine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 26, No.3, pp. 128-134, 1993. Printed0025-326X/93 $6.00+0.00 © 1993 Pergamon Press Ltdin Great Britain.Contamination…

Documents History of Marine Science Part 2 The Vikings and the Chinese.

Slide 1History of Marine Science Part 2 The Vikings and the Chinese Slide 2 The Dark Ages With the collapse of the Roman Empire in 410 AD The advances of Marine Science through…

Documents Phytoplankton are the plant-like organisms of the sea that carry out photosynthesis and float in the...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Phytoplankton are the plant-like organisms of the sea that carry out photosynthesis and float in the upper areas of the worlds oceans. Slide 3 Most of the…

Documents Phylum Chordata A Chordate is an animal that has 4 specific characteristics during their life cycle:...

Slide 1Phylum Chordata A Chordate is an animal that has 4 specific characteristics during their life cycle: 1- Dorsal, hollow nerve cord 2- Notochord – a long supporting…

Documents Word Splash. EstuaryErosionBritish-Petroleum Mudflats DFOoverharvesting of fisheriesMarine Pollution...

Slide 1Word Splash Slide 2 EstuaryErosionBritish-Petroleum Mudflats DFOoverharvesting of fisheriesMarine Pollution Domino EffectsalmonFjordSeawallsDraggers Bar-BuiltSalt-marshesRocky…

Documents Species of animals in the Sea. Made by Kimberly Zammit and Jelena Attard.

Slide 1 Slide 2 Species of animals in the Sea. Made by Kimberly Zammit and Jelena Attard. Slide 3 Whales  Whales are large, magnificent, intelligent, aquatic mammals.…

Technology Weather Climate Change

1. WEATHER LORE CLIMATE CHANGE 2. How do we know that the world’s climate is changing? Records in developed countries such as ours stretch back over 150 years; but other…

Science Day1 1 ross_overview

1. A Ross 21 May 2014 Windhoek The GGRETA Project: Context and Introduction Andrew Ross Senior groundwater specialist UNESCO 2. Contents of this presentation • Introduction…

Technology Ocean

1. OceanThe open ocean is the most extensive biome on earth. 2. Ocean• The open oceans or pelagic ecosystems arethe areas away from the coastal boundariesand above the…