News & Politics Estrategia nacional de ciência e tecnologia 2012 - 2015

capa_frente.pdf Estratégia Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação 2012 – 2015 Balanço das Atividades Estruturantes 2011 Brasília – DF 2012 Estratégia Nacional…

Documents Nigel open 4 business

1. Open For Business Nigel Shadbolt, Chairman and Co-Founder [email protected] – @Nigel_Shadbolt@ukODI 2. open the data… 3. and the applications follow… 4.…

Economy & Finance OGP Finland Draft Roadmap @OKFest 2012

1. Open Government Partnership in Finland – Draft Roadmap OkFestival – Transparency & Accountability – Sep 18, 2012 Teemu Ropponen / Ministry of Justice Salla Nazarenko…

Documents Digital divide and computer assisted reporting

1. Digital Divide and Computer Assisted Reporting Anna Poludenko 2. Digital Divide• Imbalances of access to communicationtechnologies alone with political andeconomical…

News & Politics Presentación sobre Gobierno Abierto (#oGov) para la Escuela de Liderazgo de CPAUM, Murcia,...

1. ESCUELA DE LIDERAZGO. CPAUM III Edición: Transparencia y Responsabilidad pública (2014) Módulo 2: Respuestas desde los ejecutivos a la desafección política: el Gobierno…

Documents Big data, democratized analytics and deep context,

1. Big Data, Democratized Analytics and Deep Context will Change How WeThink and Do DevelopmentAniket Bhushan, Senior Researcher, The North-South Institute, [email protected]

Government & Nonprofit Drt findings presentation

1. How open data could contribute to poverty eradication in Kenya and Uganda through its impacts on resource allocation: Research Findings BERNARD SABITI – [email protected]

Technology Warsaw Poland 20-Oct-2011 on Open Government Linked Data

1. WHY SHARE AND WHOBENEFITS? Bernadette Hyland, co-chair W3C Government Linked Data Working Group, October 17, 20111 2.…

Documents Welcome Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries.

Slide 1Welcome Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries Slide 2 What has been done since November / December 2011 Presentation of recent developments regarding…

Education eXtension Talk

1.THINK POSSIBLEChristine Geith, Ph.D. Michigan State University eXtension Planning Meeting Washington, DC, March 4, 2014 2. 2005 5.5 Million Users (1-year old) #1 Reference…