Documents tagged
Documents RPG Maker VX Ace Help - RGSS3 Reference Manual

RPG Maker VX Ace Help This Help file describes the various features offered by RPG Maker VX Ace. The left side of the window contains the Help file's contents. Use the…

Education How Mozilla takes back the web

1. H o w Mozilla takes b a c k the Web Cyber Liberties Conference 2009, Vienna Eric Eggert, 2. Eric Eggert Webentwickler/-designer User Interfaces Accessibility…

Technology HTML5 Video vs. Flash Video [paper]

1. HTML5 Video vs. Flash Video Vorlesung: Streaming MediaDr. Klaus SchäferVorgelegt von: Jakob Schröter Februar 2010 | WS 2009/2010 Hochschule…

Technology HTML5 in online business: Web vs App

1. HTML5 in online business: Web vs AppAlberto Varela Iñaki [email protected] [email protected] 2. Web vs App•  Cross-platform•  Visibility•  Accesibility• …

Technology Future Of The Mediaplayers

1.Future of the mediaplayers 2. The main players ● Consumer Devices –Networked DVD Players– Sandisk Sansa TakeTV ● PC –Window Media Centre– Apple TV– Myth TV…

Education Small Museums Guide to Making the Jump to Digital and the Web

1.Small Museum’s Guide toMaking the Jump to Digitaland the Web Joe Hoover February 20122. It Depends. 3. Digital 4. Why Digitize? Involve/engage public Aid researchers…

Documents Integrating Rich Media with DITA

1. Integrating Rich Media with Dita Technology on the Move December 2010Wild Basin Media, Inc. Simplicity in Motion 2. Presentation OverviewSnapshot of OVID OutputA case…

Entertainment & Humor MOLABTVX

Presentation [Made with] MOLABTVX HD-MDN: MOBILE DELIVERY NETWORK Live Mobile TV - "Think Mobile, Going Global" Creating simplicity out of video in…