Documents tagged
Documents ODYSSEY BOOK 1 QUIZ WHO’S WHO: 1) king of Ithaca, creator of Trojan horse Odysseus 2) : wife of...

Slide 1ODYSSEY BOOK 1 QUIZ WHO’S WHO: 1) king of Ithaca, creator of Trojan horse Odysseus 2) : wife of Odysseus Penelope 3) : son of Odysseus and Penelope Telemachus 4)…

Documents Telemachos’ Journey MT. OLYMPUS Beginning End Click on the pictures in the order of Telemachos’....

Slide 1 Slide 2 Telemachos’ Journey Slide 3 MT. OLYMPUS Beginning End Click on the pictures in the order of Telemachos’ Journey to learn more about each stop! After learning…

Documents Kate Turrell, Laura McKenna, Cameron Satin -Period 7- The Odyssey: The Cyclops.

Slide 1 Kate Turrell, Laura McKenna, Cameron Satin -Period 7- The Odyssey: The Cyclops Slide 2 Odysseus and his men have been sailing at sea trying to get home after the…

Documents Review of The Odyssey

Book 1 Important Events Athena appeals to the gods to help Odysseus return home! Athena disguises herself as Mentes and visits Telemachus inspiring him to travel to Pylos…

Documents The Odyssey/Greek Family Tree

Family tree for characters in the Odyssey including Gods and Heroes