Documents tagged
Documents The Codfish Strategy Up to 9,000,000 eggs/spawn.

Slide 1 Slide 2 The Codfish Strategy Slide 3 Up to 9,000,000 eggs/spawn Slide 4 Slide 5 Cod Math The volume of the earth's oceans is 1.35 X 10 9 cubic Km. A typical…

Technology Danny Abc

1. My first slide show A to Z Animals 2. is for antelope It lives in Africa and Asia, do not shed there horns and there hooves are split into two toes A 3. is for Bullfrog…

Documents Towards parametrized GEC current sources for the CESM model FESD project meeting February 2014...

Slide 1Towards parametrized GEC current sources for the CESM model FESD project meeting February 2014 Wiebke Deierling, Andreas Baumgaertner, Tina Kalb Slide 2 Background…