Documents Menghua Wang, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA Refinement of MODIS Atmospheric Correction Algorithm Menghua Wang (PI,...

Slide 1Menghua Wang, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA Refinement of MODIS Atmospheric Correction Algorithm Menghua Wang (PI, NASA NNG05HL35I) NOAA/NESDIS/ORA Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA Support…

Documents Simon Bélanger 1 Jens Ehn Marcel Babin

Ocean Color remote sensing at high latitudes: Impact of sea ice on the retrieval of bio-optical properties of water surface Simon Bélanger1 Jens Ehn Marcel Babin 1 Laboratoire…

Documents Remote Sensing I Summer Term 2013 Lecturers: Astrid Bracher ,

PowerPoint-Präsentation Remote Sensing I Summer Term 2013 Lecturers: Astrid Bracher, Mathias Palm and Christian Melsheimer Contact: Prof. Dr. Astrid Bracher Dr. Mathias…

Documents MODIS-Aqua and SeaWiFS Ocean Color Timeseries Results Show Excellent Agreement After Latest...

MODIS-Aqua and SeaWiFS Ocean Color Timeseries Results Show Excellent Agreement After Latest Reprocessing Bryan Franz, Code 614.2, NASA GSFC The spectral distribution of Water-leaving…

Documents Ocean Colour Radiometry Virtual Constellation

Ocean Colour Radiometry Virtual Constellation Co lead : Hiroshi Murakami â JAXA Mark Dowell â EC / JRC Paula Bontempi â NASA Jim Yoder & Venetia Stuart - IOCCG * 23rd…