Business Brand buildingadvertsingseminar3

1. A Seminar on ROLE OF ADVERTISING IN BRAND BUILDING 2. What Is a Brand? A product A service A logo A packaging A shop A country A person 3. Brand = Product + Images More…

Technology Online advertising

1.Online AdvertisingAllow your brand get LEVERAGEusing the Digital Media Space2. What is?Online Advertising3. It’s what youalready know…4. You use the Internet,Don’t…

Business Case study Innovation - kelaniya Uni Final year

1.Matara Mayor’s Challenge Matara Mayor summons a meeting of theMarketing Graduates employed by the citybusinessmen. He says that he has seen lot of innovative ideasare…

Documents One Preface

1 | P a g e A SUMMER INTERNSHIP REPORT ON MARKET RESEARCH AT Project Guide Mr. Jagan Dave 2 | P a g e DECLARATION We Dhiraj Bhansali, Mansi Nayak and Suraj Asnani hereby…