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Documents g201221

Believe in Him Fear is one of the qualities that could drive us away from Sai. Fear mani- fests in different ways and forms and may lead to other emotions like an- ger, greed,…

Documents Vol 201025

How can we pray to our Guru? We have to always try to bring Shri Sai before our mental vision, and re- member him at every occasion possible. His teachings have to be prac-…

Documents g201217

Questioning leads to clarity Sometimes in our routine life we tend to follow certain predetermined procedures and protocols, without even understanding its importance and…

Documents Volume 2011-22

Guidelines for prayer Always when we do puja it is better to be done in the hours before dawn. This is preferable as the physical body is energetic and re- freshed after…

Documents g201214

Guru…..Always Depend on HIM I hope this past week everybody had blessed time with the Guru Poornima festivity. Always depend on Guru for all the questions and concerns…

Documents g201223

Follow HIM with Aim This is one of the best times of the year which is filled with prayers, blessings and moving a step closer to Shri Sai to follow His lead. All we need…

Documents g201219

CONSTANT PRAYER Some of us think within ourselves that “How is constant prayer possi- ble?” It needs too much commitment to our Sadguru, and is a responsi- ble that sometimes…

Documents g201218

True Prayer In this fast moving world, some of us make prayer a measuring tool for good or bad. Some of us or maybe most of us are praying for a desired goal to achieve.…

Documents g201222

WEEK OF PRAYERS AND CELEBRATIONS During this fall, we are celebrating days of prayers and receiving bless- ings from our GURU to further enhance our relation with HIM. When…

Documents g201205

Importance of following teachings To be with Shri Sai we have to be tuned with his spirit, the spirit of love, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of the power of control, the…