Documents tagged
Business Financial modeling presentation

1. Financial Modeling Copyright Investment Banking Institute 2. 2 Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Spreading Historical Financial Statements III.…

Documents Prepared by Planet Retail | April 2005 THE UK DISCOUNT SECTOR – TRENDS & IMPLICATIONS.

Slide 1 Prepared by Planet Retail | April 2005 THE UK DISCOUNT SECTOR – TRENDS & IMPLICATIONS Slide 2 | e-intelligence on global retailing - Source:…

Documents Nakumatt_OCT11_emea_BROCH_w

CORPORATE BROCHURE BusinessexcellenceACHIEVING ON L I N E NAKUMATT HOLDINGSLTD Nakumatt Holdings Limited is now the leading retail market player in East…

Documents Barons-BYO-Oct-2011-Web

20 years Issue 7 Spring 2011 Inside - 15 pages of specials A Tigers Tale Great Southern On the Move Bubbles in the Spring Specials Valid til 6th November 2011 Voyager Estate…

Documents Annual Report Inditex 2000

Annual report 2000 Chairman’s statement Financial highlights International presence Five chains and one philosophy Business performance Corporate government 3 6 11 14 28…