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Documents In your notebook… think about your genetic family… 1.Are there some traits that your parents...

Slide 1In your notebook… think about your genetic family… 1.Are there some traits that your parents have but you don’t? 2.Are there some traits that you have but your…

Documents August 24, 2015- August 28, 2015 GLADIATOR WORD OF THE DAY Week 1.

GLADIATOR WORD OF THE DAY August 24, 2015- August 28, 2015 GLADIATOR WORD OF THE DAY Week 1 1 Word Squares Complete your word of the day this week using this graphic organizer.…

Documents Cell Structure Eukaryotic Cell. Bellwork What do we call the theory that describes the function of....

Cell Structure Cell Structure Eukaryotic Cell Bellwork What do we call the theory that describes the function of cells? Eukaryotic cells have this while Prokaryotic cells…

Documents Chromosomes

Mike Donvito and Gerri Jesse Biology 113 Chromosomes are thread-like structures found inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Each chromosome is made of protein and…

Documents P020A Developmental Disabilities

P020A Developmental Disabilities P020A Developmental Disabilities Mrs. Elizabeth Keele Lecture 2 Course Content #7 Describe the 2 types of mental retardation that are determined…

Documents Chromosomes

A Chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein that is found in cells. It is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements and other…