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Documents Learning objectives Learn how to cancel and re-arrange meetings Understand how French phone numbers....

Page 1 Page 2 Learning objectives Learn how to cancel and re-arrange meetings Understand how French phone numbers are given and what the numbers show learn how to give and…

Travel Choice Villas & Apartments France

1.Canoes on the Dordogne near the village of La Rogue Gajeac, Aquitaine, South West France. © ATOUT FRANCE/Jean Malburet FranceWith coasts on three seas, magnificent cities…

Documents Come in …. Our school is located in the north-east of France, in the Lorraine area, and more...

Slide 1Come in … Slide 2 Our school is located in the north-east of France, in the Lorraine area, and more precisely in the Moselle department, near the town of Metz. It…

Documents The Geography of France “la géographie de la France” By Marc, Pierre, Hélène, and Robert.

Slide 1 The Geography of France “la géographie de la France” By Marc, Pierre, Hélène, and Robert Slide 2 Major Neighboring Countries -Germany- Northeast of France…

Documents Issue 008 DEZ 2013

IS S U E 0 0 8 - d ec / 2 0 1 3 bike ronin Editorial Traveling – Mountainbiker travel a lot, for races, for shooting or simply to have fun somewhere, they’ve never been.…

Documents Fox 3 - 15

INDEPENDENCE D a s s a u l t A v i a t i o n ⢠S n e c m a ⢠T h a l e s When a single country makes your aircraft from nose to tail, you know exactly what youâre…

Documents The wonderful country of france rebecca

1.Introductory Facts The official name of our country is Republic ofFrance. The capital of France is Paris. The population of France is 60,900,000. The official…