Documents tagged
Documents Computer Stuff

Introduction This is (going to be) a easy tutorial for starting out with basic AVR programming, and also a reference collection so that it sits in one place on the site Comments?…

Design A portfolio of wine packages

1. PORTFOLIO 2. C A M B I ATA Wine- maker Eric Laumann brought in a b e a u t i f u l b r a n d n a m e , C a m b i ata , a n d t w o u n u s u a l S pa n i s h va r i e…

Education Project Copernicus final pc revision

1. Project Copernicus: Learning –Real Time and On DemandDawn Nelson ISD 279 -Osseo Area Schools April 13, 2010 [email_address] 2. Students bring their own technology to…

Education Int. cons. behav. team awe final pres

1. Gyaru – Shibuya Girls Team AWE Jan Lindhoej 10BN936H Akihiro Nakajima 08BN086K Alexander Tanno 10BN942K Toru Uchikado 08BN025A Benjamin Walch 10BN934N 2. Content…

Marketing Utility or beauty in content marketing

1. Sport shoes or oxfords? Van or cabriolet? Utility or beauty? It is eternal question 2. 3. 4. Design is a nice…

Documents Diamond Detector Prototyping Outline: Recipe “how to make a diamond detector” 1. Buy 2. Clean...

Slide 1 Diamond Detector Prototyping Outline: Recipe “how to make a diamond detector” 1. Buy 2. Clean with various acids/bases 3. Metallize 4. Mount in a nice package…

Documents How To Get Listings And Do Listing Presentations I. Know your tools II. Farming areas III. Low cost....

Slide 1 How To Get Listings And Do Listing Presentations I. Know your tools II. Farming areas III. Low cost ideas IV. More expensive ideas V. Tracking your leads VI. What…

Documents 1 Structures. Structure (struct) Definition A Structure is a container, it can hold a bunch of...

* Structures Structure (struct) Definition A Structure is a container, it can hold a bunch of things. These things can be of any type. Structures are used to organize related…

Documents Diamond Detector Prototyping

Diamond Detector Prototyping Outline: Recipe âhow to make a diamond detectorâ 1. Buy 2. Clean with various acids/bases 3. Metallize 4. Mount in a nice package and wirebond…

Documents them

Nice package. thereâs theM And then thereâs the rest of theM At THEM, we make boxes... tiny, small, medium, big and really big. Weâve been making them since 1974. But…