Technology SystemXHR: cross-domain XmlHttpRequests

1. systemXHR cross domain XMLHttpRequests 2. XMLHttpRequest easy way to retrieve data from a URL without having to do a full 3. Yes, I meant AJAX 4. Transporting messages…

Documents download ppt

1. AJAX –New Technologies New ThreatsDr. David Movshovitz IDC – School of Computer Science[email_address] 0544233779 14-09-2008 2. Lecture Agenda Browser Technology Overview…

Technology Using Dojo

1. Richard Paul Kiwiplan NZ Ltd17 Feb 2009 2. Dojo Tookit Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library [...] designed to ease the…

Technology Experiential Audio

1. experientialaudio Audio Spatialization Effects in the Browser Janessa Det - WEBHACKER @TWITTERNYCsummary STARTsound&space primernodeS2noTE SPATIALIZATION CONVOLUTIONAPPLICATIONSexperientialTHE…