Technology What's cool in the new and updated OSGi Specs (2013)

1.What's cool in the new and updated OSGi specsWhat's cool in the new and updatedOSGi Specs Carsten Ziegeler David Bosschaert1 of 502. What's cool in the new…

Technology What's cool in the new and updated OSGi specs

1.What's cool in the new and updated OSGi specsfile:///Users/david/clones/ece2013/eclipsecon.html?printWhat's cool in the new and updatedOSGi Specs Carsten Ziegeler…

Technology What's cool in the new and updated OSGi Specs (EclipseCon 2014)

1.Carsten Ziegeler David Bosschaert What's cool in the new and updated OSGi Specs 1 of 43 2. Speakers Carsten Ziegeler ([email protected]) RnD Adobe Research Switzerland…

Technology What’s cool in the new and updated OSGi specs (DS, Cloud and more) - David Bosschaert, Carsten...

1.What's cool in the new and updated OSGi specsfile:///Users/david/clones/ece2013/eclipsecon.html?printWhat's cool in the new and updatedOSGi Specs Carsten Ziegeler…