Documents tagged
Education New England Colonization

1. The Settlement of New England 2. Separatists vs.Puritans 3. Puritanism Calvinism Institutes of the Christian Religion Predestination. Good works could not save those…

Education Puritans powerpoint US history

1. ThePuritans 2. Background InfoNot just the Church of England anymoreMore factions due to corruption Don’t want to separate from Church of England, just “purify”…

Documents Separatists vs. Puritans Puritanism Calvinism Institutes of the Christian Religion Predestination......

Slide 1 Slide 2 Separatists vs. Puritans Slide 3 Puritanism Calvinism Institutes of the Christian Religion Predestination. Good works could not save those predestined for…

Education 617 w02 lecture_2015

1. LCN617 – Children’s Literature: Criticism and Practice. 2015. Coordinator: Erica Hateley, [email protected] WEEK 2: ECHOES OF THE PAST 2.  Start thinking…

Documents Education in Colonial Times by Sandra Rak, 7C1, ID1.

Slide 1 Education in Colonial Times by Sandra Rak, 7C1, ID1 Slide 2 A bit of background info In 1636, Massachusetts became the first colony in the U.S. to have a government…

Documents Chapter 4 Section 4 The Spread of New Ideas Describe the education colonial children received....

Slide 1 Chapter 4 Section 4 The Spread of New Ideas Describe the education colonial children received. Summarize the development of poetry and literature in colonial America.…

Documents 1605-1774. English Colonists traveled to New England to gain religious freedom.

Slide 1 1605-1774 Slide 2 Slide 3  English Colonists traveled to New England to gain religious freedom Slide 4  The Pilgrims and Puritans came to America to avoid religious…

Documents History of Educational Finance Chapter 3 in Guthrie Dr. Len Elovitz 9/19/13.

Slide 1 History of Educational Finance Chapter 3 in Guthrie Dr. Len Elovitz 9/19/13 Slide 2 A. OBJECTIVES -TLWDTAT; 4 Describe the history of educational finance 4 Illustrate…

Documents CHL 583 A (very) brief (and Euro-centric) history of Illustrated Texts.

Slide 1 CHL 583 A (very) brief (and Euro-centric) history of Illustrated Texts Slide 2 Week 1: CHL 583 Monday, May 4 introductions, syllabus, a few terms a brief history…

Documents Beginnings of American Literature: The Age of Faith.

Slide 1 Beginnings of American Literature: The Age of Faith Slide 2 Functions of Native American Literature  Beliefs about nature of physical world  Beliefs about social…