Documents OAS Course on Statelessness: Procedures for Determining Statelessness Status Laura van Waas -...

Slide 1OAS Course on Statelessness: Procedures for Determining Statelessness Status Laura van Waas - Statelessness Programme - [email protected] Slide 2…

Documents Protecting the Rights of Stateless Persons: The 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless....

Stateless Persons The 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons Protecting the Rights of A  PersonAl  APPeAl  from  the  United  nAtions …

Documents Preventing and Reducing Statelessness: The 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness

Statelessness T h e 1 961 Co nve nti o n o n th e Re d u c ti o n of Statele s s n e s s Preventing and Reducing A  PersonAl  APPeAl  from  the  United  nAtions …

Documents UNHCR Regional Meeting confirms that Indian Community in Malaysia identified at heightened risk of.....

Regional Expert Roundtable on Good Practices for the Identification, Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness and the Protection of Stateless Persons in South East Asia…

Documents Nationality and Statelessness

Nationality and Statelessness Pantone: 320 C C: 90 M: 0 Y: 30 K: 0 R: 0 G: 170 B: 190 Pantone: 3015 C C: 100 M: 45 Y: 5 K: 20 R: 0 G: 95 B: 154 Pantone: Cool Gray 9 C C:…