Marketing John griffiths listening - 2011

1. A  presenta*on from  the  NewMR  ‘Listening  is  the  New   Asking’  Text  Analy*cs  Event    -­‐  March  8  2011   The  sponsor  of  the  ‘Listening…

Marketing Ray poynter listening - 2011

1. Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR “Listening is the new asking” – Text Analytics and Market Research, March 8, 2011 A  presenta*on  from  the  NewMR  ‘Listening…

Marketing Carol haney listening - 2011

1. Carol Sue Haney, Harris Interactive, USA NewMR “Listening is the new asking” – Text Analytics and Market Research, March 8, 2011 A  presenta*on  from  the  NewMR…

Marketing Theo downes le guin - listening - 2011

1. Theo Downes-Le Guin, Market Strategies International, United States NewMR “Listening is the new asking” – Text Analytics and Market Research, March 8, 2011 A  presenta*on…