Documents tagged
Documents Neutrinos – Ghost Particles of the Universe

Neutrinos: Ghostparticles of the Universe Neutrinos – Ghost Particles of the Universe Neutrinos Ghost Particles of the Universe Georg G. Raffelt Max-Planck-Institut für…

Documents Neutrinos – Ghost Particles of the Universe

Neutrinos – Ghost Particles of the Universe. Neutrinos Ghost Particles of the Universe. Georg G. Raffelt Max-Planck-Institut f ür Physik, München, Germany. Periodic System…

Documents Dark Matter

Do White Dwarfs Need Axion Cooling? Dark Matter Axion Dark Matter Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München Physics Colloquium, University of Sydney, 3…

Documents Axions

Do White Dwarfs Need Axion Cooling? Axions Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München Axions Motivation, Cosmological Role and Experimental Searches Seminar,…