Documents tagged
Education Alterations made along the way

1. ALTERATIONS WE’VE MADE ALONG THE WAY! By Kayleigh Norris 2. We decided against having a script until the very end of the opening because we wanted to keep the mysterious…

Education Changes to our horror opening

1. Changes to our Horror Opening (Alterations) 2. Changing to the Script… • When looking at the final project, we can see that most of our dialogue within our actual…

Education Evaluation question 2 (blog post)

1. Sam Jenkins 2. Colour I have tried to keep my colourscheme as green as possiblethrough my photos this ties in wellwith the nature side of the Indiegenre. I felt…

Technology Evaluation question 2 (blog post)

1. Sam Jenkins 2. Colour I have tried to keep my colourscheme as green as possiblethrough my photos this ties in wellwith the nature side of the Indiegenre. I felt…