Technology Boston hug

1. Machine Learning with Hadoop 2. Agenda• Why Big Data? Why now?• What can you do with big data?• How does it work? 2 3. Slow Motion Explosion3 4. Why Now?• But…

Technology Lahug 2012-02-07

1. Beating up on Bayesian Bandits 2. Mahout• Scalable Data Mining for Everybody 3. What is Mahout• Recommendations (people who x this also xthat)• Clustering (segment…

Technology Mahout classifier tour

1. Mahout 1Wednesday, March 16, 2011 2. Mahout Scalable Data Mining for Everybody 1Wednesday, March 16, 2011 3. What is Mahout • Recommendations (people who x this also…

Technology LA HUG 2012 02-07

1. Beating up on Bayesian Bandits 2. Mahout • Scalable Data Mining for Everybody 3. What is Mahout • Recommendations (people who x this also x that) • Clustering (segment…

Technology Data mining 2011 09

1. Data-mining, Hadoop and the Single Node 2. Map-Reduce Input Output Shuffle 3. MapR's Streaming Performance Read Write 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250…