Documents tagged
Education CO2 Concentrating Mechanism in Cyano bacteria

1. Presented by Shilpi Misra 2. Outline Cyanobacterial photosynthesis CO2 concentrating Mechanism (CCM) model Phylogeny of cyanobacteria Molecular Components…

Documents Fluid and electrolyte balance

1. B A L A N C EB A L A N C E H+ cl- Na+ - HCO 3 DR faiyaz pgt su1 2. ContentsIntroduction Body Fluids Source Functions Composition Movements of Body Fluids Fluid…

Documents REVIEW of IONS OBJECTIVE: When atoms give away electrons.

Slide 1 REVIEW of IONS OBJECTIVE: When atoms give away electrons Slide 2 IONS ION What is it? An atom that LOST/GAINED electron(s) Slide 3 IONS Goal is to get to the NEAREST…

Documents Osteoporosis Educational Series, Lecture 2of 3: Understanding Bone to Understand Osteoporosis:...

Slide 1 Osteoporosis Educational Series, Lecture 2of 3: Understanding Bone to Understand Osteoporosis: Pathogenesis and Risk Factors Nahid Rianon, M.D., Dr.P.H. The University…

Documents Transporters and Membranes By Sushil Pal Slides made using WMS transporters lecture, Molecules.

Slide 1 Transporters and Membranes By Sushil Pal Slides made using WMS transporters lecture, Molecules Slide 2 Contents Transports – Types – Properties – Regulation…