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Career Laura Gainor Utilizing Social Media

@cometbranding tweeted on Thursday, February 11, 2010 that they were hiring a PR & Social Media Strategist. So...I thought creatively and brought a Comet Branding logo…

Career 25 Proven Ways to Relax

Don't flip out! Guaranteed to make you smile. Created by Bruce Kasanoff and Jim George, author of Time to Make It Stop: The How of Now

Career 22 immutable laws of marketing

These innovative guerrilla marketing rules still provide a solid understanding of how to succeed in the marketplace.

Design UX Myths - Brownbag session at GDP Venture

User Experience (UX) has become a buzzword in today’s tech scene. It is said to be the future, yet it is on top of the list of jobs that are impossible to explain to your…

Design Designing for Cross Channel User Experience

Users often don’t complete an activity in one sitting or through a single channel. Sometimes users are interrupted, sometimes it is more appropriate to switch device, or…

Design How to NOT Design

Presented at Big Design Conference in Oct. 2013. Can we finally let go of the Designer/Wizard Myth? Not that it wasn’t an enchanting tale: The socially awkward genius all…

Design Strata preview 2014: Design thinking for dummies (data scientists)

Data scientists often face ambiguous challenges and, as a group, should use and make use of the design process to address these challenges. These slides briefly make the…

Design Going from Here to There: Transitioning into a UX Career

A lot of people are curious about transitioning into the field of User Experience Design (UX). In this talk, I talk about a few different ways that you can transition into…

Devices & Hardware Google Earth overview

Speaking notes for a Google Earth tour and demonstration. I wanted to show my colleagues how GE can be helpful in civil, environmental, and related projects on a daily basis.

Devices & Hardware Atmospheric water generator

There is abundant fresh water in the air according to the test. Each cube air has 5qram fresh water when the relative humidity is 50%.It can’t be used up and can fully…