Documents tagged
Documents Slides will advance automatically... You can Mouse-click to jump ahead to next slide. To view in...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slides will advance automatically... You can Mouse-click to jump ahead to next slide. To view in “FULL SCREEN” Right-click your mouse Slides will advance…

Documents 1 Advanced Uses for MS PowerPoint incorporated into EZ E-Port Adapted from: .

Slide 1 Slide 2 1 Advanced Uses for MS PowerPoint incorporated into EZ E-Port Adapted from:…

Documents Photograph as Background Drag the resize boxes until the photo fills the screen From the Draw menu.....

Photograph as Background Drag the resize boxes until the photo fills the screen From the Draw menu choose Order then Send to back. Select a text color to contrast with the…

Documents Advanced Uses for MS PowerPoint incorporated into EZ E-Port

Advanced Uses for MS PowerPoint incorporated into EZ E-Port Adapted from: 16 Advanced…