Technology Mobile Monday Malta Launch - Jari Tammisto

1. Malta launch event Sept. 14th. 2. RosetaNet Telecom Council Focus and priority groups 3. 3G Promise Technology Benefits • Offer More SpeedUser Experience • Real Mobile…

Technology MobileMonday Malmö 25 May

1. Malmö launch May 25th 2. - Founded in Helsinki, Finland in 2000 - Now up and running in 74 regions in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South/North America. - 2009 will see another…

Documents Shaun Thanki, MobileMonday Telenor Arena, 31.05.11 Partner Seminar.

Slide 1 Shaun Thanki, MobileMonday Telenor Arena, 31.05.11 Partner Seminar Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Connecting the Industry Media and entertainment Network services Handsets…

Documents Malmö launch May 25th

Dia 1 Malmö launch May 25th - Founded in Helsinki, Finland in 2000 - Now up and running in 74 regions in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South/North America. - 2009 will see…

Documents Shaun Thanki, MobileMonday Telenor Arena, 31.05.11 Shaun Thanki, MobileMonday Telenor Arena, 31.05.11 Partner Seminar 1 Connecting the Industry Media and entertainment Network services Handsets and consumer…