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Documents 10 Technology Marketing Trends To Watch Presentation Updated

1. 10 Technology Marketing Trends to WatchPresented byJason Piasecki, Partner 2. 10 Technology Marketing Trends to Watch• Trends• Why They Matter• Questions & Answers…

Technology Mobiz: Marketing in a Mobile World

1. • 1 2. Start with…- Consumer, research and data- Business goals and objectives Unfortunately there is no- Review the competitivefinish line! landscape- Understand…

Documents Kennissessie Mobile Proof - Richard Otto

1. Mobile Proof 2013 2. ..1999 3. Even voorstellen... • Working in Mobile Marketing & -Advertising industry since 2005 • Co-autor Handboek OnlineMarketing (UitgeverijNoordHoff)…

Business Optimizing the Evolving Landscape of Mobile Email Marketing

1.Optimizing the Evolving Landscape of Mobile Email Marketing How The Ritz-Carlton Destination Club enhanced the effectiveness of mobile email marketing campaigns2. Pamela…

Documents Ugly truths about html5 moosecon - robert virkus - 2013-03-07

Ugly Truth about HTML5 for mobile Apps 10:45 - 11:15 Robert Virkus, CEO @robert_virkus @EnoughSoftware Robert Virkus Vor dem Steintor 218 28203 Bremen Germany +49 (0)421…