Documents tagged
Documents IST 421 Syllabus and Course Overview. Designing Large Distributed Complex ScalableSystems.

Slide 1IST 421 Syllabus and Course Overview Slide 2 Designing Large Distributed Complex ScalableSystems Slide 3 Components. Scalability. Slide 4 The prerequisite/concurrent…

Documents Climate Change and Poverty Conference February 10, 2015 The impact of climate change on costs of...

Slide 1 Climate Change and Poverty Conference February 10, 2015 The impact of climate change on costs of food and its impact on poverty at subnational scale Anne Biewald…

Documents Monitored Natural Attenuation as a Remediation Strategy for Nuclear Power Plant Applications Sean...

Slide 1 Monitored Natural Attenuation as a Remediation Strategy for Nuclear Power Plant Applications Sean Bushart- EPRI Karen Kim- EPRI NRC RIC Conference- Panel on Subsurface…

Documents Unit 4 – Good Debt, Bad Debt: Using Credit Wisely.

Slide 1 Unit 4 – Good Debt, Bad Debt: Using Credit Wisely Slide 2  176.8 million credit cardholders in 2008  The average credit cardholder has 3.5 credit cards …