Health & Medicine Kinesiology Taping of the Quadriceps Femoris

1. Meridius Medical presents 2. Identify the quadriceps femoris muscle 3. Measure the length of the muscle with tape 4. Cut the tape to length 5. Cut one end of the tape…

Health & Medicine Kinesiology Taping of the Adductor Muscles

1. Meridius Medical presents 2. Identify the adductor muscles 3. Measure the length of the target area with tape 4. Cut the tape to length 5. Fold the tape in half and cut…

Health & Medicine Kinesiology taping biceps_brachii

1. Meridius Medical presents 2. Identify the biceps brachii muscle 3. Identify the biceps brachii muscle 4. Measure the length of muscle with tape 5. Cut the tape to length…

Health & Medicine Kinesiology taping triceps_brachii

1. Meridius Medical presents 2. Identify the triceps brachii muscles 3. Measure the length of muscles with tape 4. Cut the tape to length 5. Round both ends 6. Tear through…

Documents Kinesiology taping gluteus maximus

1. Meridius Medical presents 2. Identify the gluteus maximus muscle 3. Measure the length of the muscle with tape 4. Cut the tape to length 5. Measure another length of tape…

Health & Medicine Kinesiology taping lower_back

1. Meridius Medical presents 2. Identify the muscles of the lower back 3. Measure the length of the target area with tape 4. Cut 2 pieces of tape to the same length 5. Join…

Health & Medicine Kinesiology Taping Hallucis Longus

1. Meridius Medical presents 2. Identify the hallucis longus muscle 3. Measure the length of the muscle with tape 4. Cut the tape to length 5. Join the two ends of tape and…