Documents tagged
Documents THE FALL of MAN Where does evil come from? I sought whence evil comes and there was no solution. St....

Slide 1THE FALL of MAN Where does evil come from? I sought whence evil comes and there was no solution. St. Augustine Profound relationship of man to God –humanitys rejection…

Business Prayer

1.CC: CC: 3. Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with…

Spiritual Leviticus 8-9, Aaron and His Sons Ordained, Priests Ministry Begins, consecration, washed with...

1.Leviticus 8-9 Leviticus 8-9, Aaron and His Sons Ordained, Priests Ministry Begins, consecration, washed with water, cleansed, clothed, equipped, ordination, Urim and Thummim,…

Spiritual Fired Up Ccc

1.Fired Up 2 Timothy 1:6 “…fan into flame the gift of God …”2. Expectations Welcome to a weekend away to be with: God Yourself Others Youmust make a retreat – it…

Spiritual The Reconciling Community

1. 2 0 1 4 S u m m e r S e r i e s : T h e G o o d a n d B e a u t i f u l C o m m u n i t y The Reconciling Community 2. Wouldn’t it be great if we could hand-pick everyone…

Spiritual Light to the Nations - Week 18

1. S E S S I O N 18 The Pathway to Renewal 2. We have been following the pathway of Job. Today it is time for use to take another step. We need to consider the restoration…

Spiritual Presentation of the Lord

1. Mission San Luis Rey Parish Faith Community + Catholic + + Franciscan + + Multicultural +Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2. The Faith Communities of San Luis Reye…

Documents Prayer for the Repose Booklet Roman Manalad

Prayer for the Repose of the Soul of Roman Vicencio Manalad 2 Prayer for the Repose of the Soul of Roman Vicencio Manalad (In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of…

Spiritual The Vincentian Missionary Spirit (World Youth Day 2013)

1. The Vincentian Missionary Spirit 2. “The secret for eternal youth is in having an ideal to achieve.” Hélder Cámara, deceased Brasilian bishop, who was committed…


Slide 1THE ENTHRONEMENT CEREMONY OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS Slide 2 PARISHIONER: Reading from Deuteronomy 7:6-12 PRIEST: Jesus speaks to the group…. My people, I am your…