Documents tagged
Documents Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption Vanderbilt Coffee Conference October 26, 2007.

Slide 1 Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption Vanderbilt Coffee Conference October 26, 2007 Slide 2 Coffee is healthful (…rather than harmful) Physicians in the U.S. have…

Documents Sight and Life Magazine 25(3)2011

18 New TesT KiT’s PoTeNTial for The aNalysis of ViTamiN a 24 liVer as a ViTamiN a source 30 The imPorTaNce of early NuTriTioNal iNTerVeNTioN 38 ViTamiN a suPPlemeNTaTioN:…

Documents Superfund Research Program Funding Opportunity Web Seminar: September 5, 2013 Biogeochemical...

Superfund Research Program Funding Opportunity Web Seminar: September 5, 2013 Biogeochemical Interactions Affecting Bioavailability for in situ Remediation of Hazardous Substances…

Documents Tom Van de Wiele, PhD LabMET Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology

Rôle du microbiote intestinal dans le métabolisme des composés aromatiques polycycliques et hétérocycliques Role of intestinal microbiota in the metabolism of polycyclic…

Documents European Journal of Applied Physiology From animal cage to aircraft cabin: An overview of evidence.....

European Journal of Applied Physiology From animal cage to aircraft cabin: An overview of evidence translation in jet lag research --Manuscript Draft-- Manuscript Number: