Documents tagged
Technology 5.7.12 classwork monday

1.Imagine that you are an animal living in the wild. Whatanimal are you, and what is your favorite time of theyear? Explain.CarlosJose MondayMay 7, 2012 LinderJohnnyCincereJoshua…

Documents 10.25.12 classwork thursday

1. If you could be any tall­tale character for a day, whichcharacter would you choose? Explain. Adrianette ThursdayOctober 25, 2012Leslie JaileenChristyBryan JordanJose…

Documents 10.18.12 classwork thursday

1. The expression "blind as a bat" is false because bats cansee about as well as humans can. Explain how you thinkthis expression came about. ThursdayJordanOctober…

Documents 10.22.12 classwork monday

1. Imagine that a giant has just knocked on your door anddemanded to be fed. Write directions for preparing afeast fit for a 50­foot giant. AdrianetteMonday October…

Self Improvement 10.21.11 classwork friday

1. Writing Journal: October is Vegetarian Month. Create  a new recipe that does not contain meat. List the …

Education 10.20.11 classwork thursday

1. Writing Journal: Many popular books have been made  into movies. What book have you read that would make  a good movie? Explain. Brianna Johnny MitzyJoshua…