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W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI NG .C OM ⢠$ 3. 99 C ov er b y M ar k B uc ki ng ha m W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI NG .C OM C ov er b y A m y M eb be rs on W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI…

Documents Doctor Who #16

DWII16-cover_Layout 1 3/12/12 12:18 PM Page 2 Cover Checklist: The story so far⦠The Doctor is an alien, the last of the powerful Time Lords. He is an intrepid traveller…

Documents Doctor Who #1

DWIII01-cover_Layout 1 8/28/12 9:50 AM Page 2 The Doctor is an alien, the last of the powerful Time Lords. He is an intrepid traveller through time and space, armed only…

Documents Doctor Who: A Fairytale Life #4 (of 4)

W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI NG .C OM ⢠$ 3. 99 C ov er b y M ar k B uc ki ng ha m W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI NG .C OM C ov er b y A m y M eb be rs on W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI…

Documents Doctor Who: A Fairytale Life #3 (of 4)

W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI NG .C OM ⢠$ 3. 99 C ov er b y M ar k B uc ki ng ha m W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI NG .C OM C ov er b y A m y M eb be rs on W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI…

Documents Star Trek TNG/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #2 (of 8)

DW-ST02_cover_Layout 1 5/22/12 3:48 PM Page 2 The story so far⦠The Doctor is an alien, the last of the powerful Time Lords. He is an intrepid traveller through time and…

Documents Doctor Who Special 2012

D O C TO R W H O SP EC IA L 2 0 1 2 Cover by Mark Buckingham Join the Doctor and friends in these four tantalizing tales: The Doctor, Amy, and Rory attend a fez festival…

Documents Doctor Who #11

WWW.IDWPUBLISHING.COM ⢠$3.99 Cover by Mark Buckingham W W W. ID W PU BL IS HI NG .C OM ⢠$ 3. 99 WWW.IDWPUBLISHING.COM Cover by Matthew Dow Smith Cover Checklist:…

Documents Doctor Who #6

DWIII06-cover_Layout 1 2/5/13 11:24 AM Page 2 The Doctor is an alien, the last of the powerful Time Lords. He is an intrepid traveller through time and space, armed only…

Documents Doctor Who #5

DWIII05-cover_Layout 1 12/26/12 1:34 PM Page 2 The Doctor is an alien, the last of the powerful Time Lords. He is an intrepid traveller through time and space, armed only…