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Documents Cross-Site Scripting CSCD 498/539 Secure Coding Principles Amazing Legion of Fuzzy Backdoor Intruder...

Slide 1Cross-Site Scripting CSCD 498/539 Secure Coding Principles Amazing Legion of Fuzzy Backdoor Intruder Worms Bryan Smith Allen Greaves Zach Moore Rebecca Long Slide…

Technology Get Ready for Web Application Security Testing

1.Alan Kan Technical Manager IBM Rational Software [email_address] Get Ready for Web Application Security Testing2. Run Down The Security Landscape What does it mean for…

Technology Redirect Virus: Delete Redirect Virus

1. How to Remove  Redirect Virus in Easy Steps 2. Things I Will be Covering in this Video: What is…

Technology Introducing Malware Script Detector

1. IntroducingThe Malware Script Detector (MSD) By d0ubl3_h3lix http :// Tue Feb 19 2008 2. Agenda Counter Strategy Overview XSS Coverage Versioning Info Standalone…

Technology Attack Toolkits and Malicious Websites

1 Attack Toolkits & Malicious Websites Attack Toolkits and Malicious Websites Global Intelligence Network Identifies more threats, takes action faster & prevents…

Technology IE7 Past, Present, and Future

1. Chris Wilson IE Platform Architect Microsoft 2. Browser guy since 1993 (NCSA Mosaic, SPRY Mosaic) Joined Microsoft in 1995IE 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.03-year stint in…

Technology Seguridad Web by Jordan Diaz

Web Aplication Vulnerabilities Present by: Jordan Alexander Diaz Diaz Exploits: XSS, SQLI, Buffer Overflow These vulnerabilities continue to result in many active exploits.…

Documents Exploits: XSS, SQLI, Buffer Overflow These vulnerabilities continue to result in many active...

Slide 1 Exploits: XSS, SQLI, Buffer Overflow These vulnerabilities continue to result in many active exploits. XSS - Cross Site Scripting, comparable to XSRF, Cross Site…

Documents Chapter 12 Hacking the Internet User Last modified 5-8-09.

Chapter 12 Hacking the Internet User Last modified 5-8-09 Internet Client Vulnerabilities Microsoft ActiveX ActiveX applications, or controls, can be written to perform specific…

Documents Chapter 13 Hacking the Internet User Last modified 12-30-08.

Chapter 13 Hacking the Internet User Last modified 12-30-08 Internet Client Vulnerabilities Microsoft ActiveX ActiveX applications, or controls, can be written to perform…